Monadic Twin Flames Seen Through Astrology

Latest revision of article: Nov 6th 2024

by Zensoe ~ Philip Laessoe

10/10/202459 min read

Discover the deepest astrological layers of the analysis of a shared monadic energy system guiding two identical souls, unknowingly born roughly 11 years apart in different continents of the world. Gradually, they are magnetized to meet each other while working at the same place. The extreme precision of the astrological alignments this type of divine connection reveals, nullifies all speculation of the validity of astrology, the Kabbalah (Tree of Life) and numerology. This is a story of a single monadic over-soul's vibration created into two energetically intertwined yet polarized astral bodies who are sharing an emotional body. Their combined horoscopes line up exactly with the position of the most spiritually charged planets in our solar system.


As Zensoe's spiritual approach is based on unity consciousness, we want to emphasize that the "Yin and Yang" in this astrological segment is actually the completely same vibration and energy system embodied in two different people. As hard as that is for the mind (a duality-based lens) to understand, the astrology here will help explain how and why that is the case. As individual, but identical souls, their masculine and feminine energies summarize to the same soul frequency, but executed as opposite battery charges (+ and -) like a figure-8 pattern resembling the kundalini energy coil that travels up and down the spine (Ida/Yin and Pingala/Yang, respectively). Fully joined as one Monad (over-soul) in the much higher dimensions, a shared third energy field is gradually merging the two sides of the over-soul stream together after mutual soul recognition. This energy field is created in the 5th dimension, as the two identically vibrating souls merge into the embrace of love and light. There, one twin is the active Yang (divine masculine) component and the other the receptive Yin (divine feminine) component.

In this article, I refer to the female "Divine Masculine" as Yang, since it's a more gender neutral term for these aspects of the shared over-soul. Also, since it's actually the male Yin twin's masculine energy bodies that guide the mind and behavioural traits of the physical pushed out divine masculine Yang twin. Monadics are essentially the same human being in terms of consciousness, but one person is the conscious embodiment of the feminine domain (in this case, the male twin), and the other is conscious embodiment of the masculine energies (in this case, the female twin). So the "other self" is the physical manifestation of the subconscious energies. Due to this, both astrological natal birth chart placements resonate strongly in either direction as they are in fact fully energetically intertwined and each represent one half of the greater whole which is their Monadic over-soul. This energy relationship is reflected in great detail in astrology, and provides much guidance in how to energetically navigate any twin flame connection.

Shared emotional body via same Moon with polarized input fluctuating fluidly like a battery

In this Monadic Twin Flame example, and in many others, the emotional body (represented in astrology by the Moon) is fully shared as one, so both twins know deep inside when things are moving forward and when things are off. This will affect both of them equally, emotionally and mentally. As the Moon plays a huge role in reflecting the mind, when the twins are balanced via neutralized shared third energy, both twins are also able to read each others' minds clearly without spoken words. In those moments, their minds are as one. This is actual energetic science proven through physically present mind interactions between the two. A unique aspect in this twin flame connection is the way the push and pull in terms of the input of emotionally charged mind energy operates. It's energetically fluctuating like a scale between two poles - directionally two-way. What determines the divine masculines emotional input responses are all based on what energy the divine feminine counterpart pushes, or doesn't push towards him/her. Since the final dispositor of the divine masculine's energy is actually the Soul frequency or "Sun frequency" of the DF transmitting to the DM's Mars. Mars is the tropical final dispositor of energy for the DM, and is the guiding energy-ruler of her sidereal Moon (emotional mind-body). Venus is the energy-ruler for the tropical Moon input. Sidereally, both Venus and Mars are governing the Moon. It simply can't be more perfectly and precisely described. The astrology matches the energy dynamics, 100%.

This energy dynamic is why the fear-based push energy is pushing the DM away as a result of the energy being unbalanced. Fear equals running. If this interaction of energy is purely based on unconditional love, it means the energy polarization has been neutralized and is carried in balance within their shared Moons. Unconditional love is not emotional love. The emotional love is conditional and fear-based, the type of "love" most common romantic relationships operate with. "I can't lose him/her, because I NEED him/her". You cannot lose a twin flame. They are you, and it is not possible to disconnect from the connection. If one twin is in a karmic relationship, that twin will be fighting their own soul's truth and it will not feel right on the deepest levels. However, this journey is about your own soul's growth, and if one needs to be in a relationship in order to learn something, which will help clear the way for a potential twin flame union, then that is the right thing to do. Be present and live in the moment, and try not to be bothered or react to what your divine counterpart chooses to do with their life. Seek the light in every good or bad decision. All decisions are here for your growth, in one way or the other.

The natural state for Yin's Venus is to be heading for Yang's Venus and the natural state for Yang's Venus is to be heading for Yin's Venus. Why? Because they are energetically completely intertwined and actually operate as one. It is merely the duality principle of the mind and the physical manifestation of that, which creates the one as two. So the runner and chaser roles happen more due to a certain state of mind. Both of these twins are, at the core of it, a manifestation of the same Moon (sidereal for "Mind"), so either "into it or not", simultaneously. The input to the Moon is the polarized aspect functioning like a fluid battery where each pole is actually naturally attracted to the other pole. Yin, as the divine feminine soul, is the starting point for the mind input of energy in terms of push energy. He therefore cannot "chase" Yang without unbalancing himself and therefore the connection, as chasing himself will easily turn into an obsessive never-ending war with his own mind. He can however pursue Yang, if he desires to when the connection is balanced and energetically neutralized. Monadic Twin Flames' polarization is a lot less extreme than Split Soul (Twin Flames), and this type of divine counterpart is spiritually mature and often have had kundalini awakenings on their own, so it's a lot more approachable to get into a state of inner or/and physical union.

Other polarized sectors of this connection work directly one-way. Not necessarily because of masculine or feminine energy designation since these pretty much reverse when you use one astrological system compared to the next. The tropically masculine Sun of Yin versus the feminine Sun of Yang is merely a way to indicate the polarity of their bodies (Sun is the Vedic significator of the Ascendant / 1st house) is opposite compared to their natural soul polarity. All the polarization seen between masc Sun vs fem Sun, masc Jupiter vs fem Juno and fem Neptune vs masc Uranus, is being directed energetically through the combined Saturn frequency which is carried from Yin's Sun sign towards Yang's Mars sign which is her tropical chart-ruler and sidereal mind-ruler. This way, Monadic Twin Flames are always internally connected, regardless of circumstances, like an eternal spiritual marriage. Therefore, one could argue that there's no need to officially be in a relationship or commitment like with karmic soul mates. They are always connected and committed spiritually and always have been, as they are literally one in the higher monadic dimensions. A physically or somehow intimately relating experience is a powerful milestone on their journey, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily in complete union. Barely anybody reach complete internal and external union, which is why most of us keep reincarnating life after life.

When the counterparts are lacking internal balance for example due to egoic or karmic circumstances or/and structures, one aspect easily could take on the mindset of running due to the co-related fear-based energies. They are one energy system, so noone is really to blame for this. The feminine polarity effectively ought to transmute the energies from fear to love, and the masculine will follow eventually in the physical through the display or equally loving vibrations. Saturn dictates the push and pull, and is actually the main astrological significator of fear. Saturn therefore is fundamental to the alignment of this twin flame pair. Saturn, and Jupiter, was conjuncting the area of their shared soul frequency when these Monadic Twin Flames first met each other at work (Saturn also refers to "work"). What would Jupiters function be in this transit? Both of their tropical Mercuries (communication style, thought-processing, logical and rational lower mind) are ruled by Jupiter. It refers to them talking to each other, conjunct Saturn; "at work".

Masculine & Feminine Energy Principles of Duality

The general principle of the feminine is to BE. The principle of the masculine is to DO. However, everybody is a combination of masculine and feminine energies, as everybody needs to be and do in order to survive. The observation of this happens through the lens of a masculine or feminine soul. It tells a lot about their type of intelligence and therefore their consciousness. Since speaking about feminine and masculine easily creates a visualization of a female body vs a male body, it's much more natural to utilize the spiritual terms of Yin and Yang. These aspects don't have genders. They simply reflect the states of being vs doing among many other traits that are derived from the principle of duality.

All souls that have incarnated or transitioned into the lower dimensions will have an opposite charge due to the universal law of duality. Everything in our universe operates like plus (+) and minus (-), we attract and retract and this is similar to the basic understanding of how energy operates. This means everybody has a twin flame. Most of these are created as pure energetic splits that happen right before being born into a human body. This is actually fits more the archetype of Split Soul (Twin Flames). If your soul have agreed to/is ready to meet this individual, and therefore happens to be incarnated around the same time as you, then you can refer to yourself as "twin flame" or more accurately, being on a "twin flame journey". I'd recommend you NOT to use that term too lightly, since all souls are equal and noone is more special than the next. Certain souls are highly experienced and evolved and that means they have the maturity and spiritual capacity to take on the twin flame journey of meeting their own vibration in another body. If they manage to come into complete union, then they actually don't need to reincarnate anymore. Their soul journey is complete. If this was the case, however, we wouldn't exist as a species. Twin flames are special due to their level of soul growth as they have greatly evolved intuitive abilities and resonate strongly with unconditional love through the alignment they develop as a result of meeting each other. They are needed to help raise the vibration of the dense planet Earth and mankind as a whole. They are needed to help us heal our energetic imbalances as seen through the feminine and masculine energy collectives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is the Divine Masculine (Yang) and who is the Divine Feminine (Yin) in this connection?

Consolidated Answer & Insights:

In this case, but not necessarily exclusively, the more Yin energy male is the divine feminine soul, and the more Yang energy female is the divine masculine soul. They are originally created from the same source divine feminine (monadic/mother) energy vibration. This entire article describes how one can come to a conclusion on this based on astrology. The best conclusion however, is found within yourself.

Biologically, a female is created as the "feminine" physical principle and a man is created as the "masculine" physical principle. A female has a vagina and is therefore biologically receptive, and a man has a penetrative sexual organ and produce sperm. But energy is energy regardless of physical gender assignment. The bodily part of the dynamic does play an important and often misunderstood role that can cause confusion. Sidereal astrology outlines this bodily dynamic in the D1 birth natal chart as compared to the D9 soul chart. Tropical astrology is the perspective from planet Earth and blends the energetic interpretations in a way that pertains more to the earthly incarnation cycles and blood lines. One can clearly conclude soul consciousness polarity from both astrological systems, especially when comparing the results from both of them.

There are two major planes of duality: the PHYSICAL (dominated by masculine energies) and the SPIRITUAL (dominated by feminine energies). Physically, males embody the characteristics of the Sun and the females more naturally align with the characteristics of the Moon due to their biological traits, regardless of any body or physical gender alteration. However, the feminine consciousness, mythologically embodied as Shakti, actually starts out in the lower masculine chakras. Shakti's opposite, Shiva, is asleep in the opposite upper feminine chakras. The feminine consciousness easily aligns with basic survival instincts, a natural relationship with the body through sensuality (or sexuality) as well as being very emotionally fluid and more easily influenced by their surroundings, subconscious mind and memories. These areas are where the divine masculine energies descend towards in order to dominate. They gradually develop the mental or/and physical strength, a stronger detachment from emotions that don't serve them, and are able to dominate their partner through fiery and motivated action and assertiveness which increases their level of sex drive. Spiritually, the feminine consciousness naturally seek to ascend towards the upper chakras. So it's the masculine energies role to ground the feminine back towards their roots. Together they meet in the middle - the heart chakra, as cosmic lovers creating the perfect balance in merging the opposite principles of physicality and spirituality.

For twin flames, where the woman clearly embodies the divine feminine and the man the divine masculine, one will see a much clearer astrological picture of Moon vs Sun energy, perhaps emphasized with the feminine having most of the water energy integrated, and the man being the clearly dominant fire energy. The elements of earth and air are generally more androgynous in nature as resembled by planets like Mercury, Saturn (and to an extend, Venus). Some twin flame professionals say that roughly 85% of divine feminine twin flames are women and 15% are men and the other way around with the divine masculine collective. This is also my own experience, however, I do feel like the female and male distribution is becoming increasingly more equal.

Does Yang, as the Divine Masculine monadic twin, carry the stronger Sun energy? If so, why is she then embodied as a female?

Tropical Western - Earthly Perspective:

Yin: his tropical Sun in its detriment in Aquarius emphasizes an Earthly advantage in aligning his body with the masculine gender, despite being a feminine soul (Virgo Rising ruled by Pisces Mercury, guided by Jupiter in Pisces and Capricorn Neptune - all divine feminine placements). This alignment, however, gives his masculine Sun a subconsciously ambiguous function. The clarity of his Sun is in fact seen through Yang. Yang energetically embodies Yin's Sun frequency, along with her own.

Yang: her tropical Sun in Capricorn forms an earthy trine with her Moon in Taurus, both less feminine placements. Along with her lunar nodal axis in feminine Virgo-Pisces, this concludes her tropical divine feminine energies. The advantage of a female body is seen through the positive alignment of less feminine earth energies compared to a female/feminine body. Everything else is masculine. So both Moon and Sun as well as her lunar nodes are guided by a completely divine masculine backdrop.

Sidereal Vedic - Universal Perspective:

Yin: his Leo Rising (ruled by feminine Sun in Capricorn) emphasizes a divine "advantage" in aligning his body with the masculine gender and energy field, despite being a feminine soul. His Sun is inherently weaker than Yang's Sun in Sagittarius, but gains strength through being placed in the whole-sign 6th house. Yin's father, a very naturally divine masculine soul, is quite powerful, nurturing and embraces spiritual beliefs and divine feminine energies.

Yang: even though her Sun is the opposite polarity of Yin's, her Sun is actually a lot more independent energetically than Yin's Sun energy which is sent directly to Yang's Moon input (mind-input). Her Sun in masculine Sagittarius is strong, but guided by a weak feminine Jupiter in Capricorn. Luckily, Yang's exalted feminine Mars in Capricorn forms a positive yoga to combat this inherent weakness. An interpretation of this could be that when she takes action, initiative or is assertive, she wins at the Jupitarian level as well as the Venusian level. Her Sun sits in an empowered position compared to her Moon, both in divine masculine fire signs. They are in a dharmic trine to one another, a powerful position of purpose for a masculine soul.

Consolidated Answer & Insights:

Yes - Yang's side of the Sun polarity with Yin is stronger based on zodiac sign placement. It is also more energetically independent, as this inverted frequency is not being sent back to the divine feminine. It is basically the same as the divine feminine's soul frequency, but inverted like a figure-8 pattern of the same soul stream. The divine feminine's Sun (consciousness) and Moon (sub-consciousness) are basically the foundation for the connection, energetically. Therefore it is the Divine Feminine who leads the connection through balancing her internal energies and coming into an inner harmonious union between the two aspects within him/herself. The Divine Masculine reflects this vibration back to the Divine Feminine counterpart like a physical energetic mirror. Yang's Sun is Moon (~ female) and Sun (~ male) friendly! Yin's side of the Sun as compared to his shared Moon, unfortunately is not as Moon (female) friendly. This is another reason for his feminine soul to incarnate as a man and preparing to deal with friction between him/men and females. Moon represents early and past-life conditioning. Yin's soul (Sun) is at a stage where being born as a male is more beneficial for his journey despite being consciously ruled by the divine feminine collective. Yin's biggest childhood challenge compared to women was his own mother's way of raising him in a more old-fashioned masculine fatherly way. This was done in a very physically emphasized way. The sidereal horoscope clearly shows this dynamic playing out based on Moon in Aries and the 4th house being ruled by Mars / Scorpio, housing Saturn there too, which refers to his father who brought more of the nurturing energies. This experience also means that Yin is extremely used to masculine women. He in fact understands women extremely well, as he is a feminine soul / intelligence.

Astrological Elements of Divine Counterparts

For Monadic Twin Flames:

  • Divine Masculine:

    • Represented mainly by the spiritual element Fire ~ Yang and polarized with the spiritually opposite feminine element of Water

    • Also represented by the logical and rational Air element as compared to Earth. It is important to remember that these two elements are highly androgynous and very common in Monadic Twin Flame horoscopes. They naturally have a more grounded and balanced polarization with each other. Air is generally more flowey and mutable, like Water, and therefore has certain traits that could be perceived as somewhat feminine. The inner rocky planets like Venus and Mercury are ruled by Air and Earth.

  • Divine Feminine:

    • Represented mainly by the spiritual element Water ~ Yin and polarized with the spiritually opposite masculine element of Fire

    • Also represented by the practical and rational Earth element as compared to Air. It is important to remember that these two elements are highly androgynous and very common to see in Monadic Twin Flame horoscopes. They naturally have a more grounded and balanced polarization with each other. Earth is more fixed in its nature, and therefore has certain traits that could be perceived as somewhat masculine. The inner rocky planets like Venus and Mercury are ruled by Earth and Air. Also, Moon is exalted in Taurus (an Earth sign).


  • Jupiter is ruled by Fire (more masculine Sagittarius) and polarized with Water (more feminine Pisces)

  • Saturn is ruled by Air (less masculine Aquarius) and polarized with Earth (less feminine Capricorn)

  • Androgynous Mercury is ruled by Air (less masculine Gemini) and Earth (less feminine Virgo) and therefore is polarized with its own elements, Earth and Air.

For Split Soul Twin Flames & Karmic Soul Mates:

  • Divine Masculine: Fire as compared to Air

    • Air is more feminine than Fire, even though Fire is more emotionally and spiritually charged than Air

  • Divine Feminine: Water as compared to Earth

    • Earth is more masculine than Water, and Water is more emotionally and spiritually charged than Earth


  • Leo is ruled by Fire (Sun) and polarized with Air (Aquarius ruled by Saturn & Uranus)

  • Cancer is ruled by Water (Moon) and polarized with Earth (Capricorn)

  • Libra is ruled by Air (Venus - a feminine energy body, but more psychologically masculine, and polarized with Fire (the most masculine, but more psychologically feminine Aries)

The psychological aspect and roles of planetary energies is described further in our article (located a few sections below this one): "KABBALAH - the psychological Tree of Life - related to Monadic Twin Flames". The psychological aspect is highly important (and is often not covered in traditional astrology) to help distinguish archetypal character traits, and decipher astrological placements for all twin flames, especially those that are born as the opposite gender compared to their soul consciousness polarity.

You can read more about this topic in general in our Zensoe article: "Astrological Elements of Divine Counterparts".

Tropical Western - Earthly Perspective:

The male Yin clearly has the most auspicious and deepest source of Water energy. Ironically, he also has the most initiating Fire energy with Mars in Aries as a divine masculine final dispositor. This is the most divine masculine energy ruled by its own ruler. This Mars however operates more subconsciously in the feminine 8th house and is linked to kundalini feminine energy through Rahu in Aries, the north node of the Moon. Yin is very consciously aware of his main divine feminine energy dispositor of Jupiter in Pisces due to his Rising sign and its ruler, Mercury in Pisces. Also to be noted, Mars is actually placed on the psychologically feminine Pillar of Severity, along with Mercury and Neptune. This is a total representation of the lens that Yin's combined divine feminine consciousness experiences the world through. Strong feminine and strong masculine principles. His Jupiter in Pisces is the most divine feminine energy, but embodied in the form of a male planet.

Sidereal Vedic - Universal Perspective:

Yin's sidereal natal chart is clearly Water-dominant due to Mars, Rahu and Jupiter in Pisces combined with Saturn in Scorpio. Yang's chart is more Water-restrictive (Saturn in Pisces).

Yang's feminine energy is more Earthy, grounded, logical and practical. In other words, it's hard to pin-point specific roles, rather a more overall picture as both Monadic Twin Flames stand out like a somewhat androgynous mix of clearly well-evolved DM and DF placements. Yin is clearly the more emotional and sensitive one, and he is the natural spiritual warrior of the connection as seen through his Mars in Aries-Pisces. The one who dominates the feminine energy, as its the starting point of energy flow in the connection, has to be pretty hardcore energetically as he/she needs to balance the entire connection's vibration and is often forced by the universe to change his/her life according to the overarching spiritual agendas. And so, it is most often the first-born who takes on dealing with the initial karmic wounding of the shared emotional body. One needs to be extremely strong as a soul to deal and overcome these challenges. If you were to characterize this connection in terms of elements, it's as if Yin is the home of +/+ (Fire) and -/- (Water) and Yang is the home of the opposite elements to that, +/- (Air) and -/+ (Earth). Yang forms a grounded core around Yin's sensitive Water energies, and Yin forms a physically stronger body around Yang's more people-oriented and social Air energies. A very beautiful intertwined energy dynamic.

Consolidated Answer & Insights:

Yin's divine feminine tropical Mercury in Pisces, as compared to Yang's Mercury in Sagittarius, is a very clear cut distinction between the feminine and masculine thought-processing principles. One could say, the mind of Yin is truly Yin. And the mind of Yang is truly Yang, as Jupiter (which rules Yang's Mercury) is also in masculine Aquarius, and Aquarius is ruled by masculine Saturn in Aries and Uranus in Aquarius.

Opposite placements (Water vs Earth and Air vs Fire) are to a greater extend considered in terms of analyzing polarization aspects between Split Soul (Twin Flames) and for the general application of astrology. This is the foundation. The more advanced knowledge pertaining more uniquely to Monadic Twin Flames comes from understanding the planetary bodies' own polarization as seen through two different zodiac signs with the same ruler. Astrology keeps expanding all the time as more clarity is gained and more research is being done.

Planetary elemental polarization related to all Twin Flames


  • No elemental polarization of the Sun energy itself exists as it is singular

  • The Sun, however, is in a mutually dualistic function with Moon, acting as like divine opposite charges. The Sun represents the Divine Male, most often represented by the male biological gender. Everybody has Divine Masculine consciousness within their soul and everybody has a Sun placement. Sun is the Divine Father.

  • The Sun is exalted in Aries (the most Divine Masculine sign) and is debilitated in the opposite sign of Libra. The Sun is challenged in its detriment of Aquarius (the opposite sign of Leo.

  • Astrologically, the opposite energy to Sun (as seen through the sign of Leo) is ruled by Saturn and Uranus (Aquarius). This is a polarization, but it is not specifically Monadic in nature. It is seen more as a "Split" ie. Split Soul (Twin Flames).

  • For our Yin and Yang, there is no planetary placement in pure Leo (Sun) energy. This is because the Sun role is shared between the male and the female (which is normal for the more androgynous-natured Monadic Twin Flames). The twins' frequency of Sun (Divine Masculine) is monadically polarized and challenged, and is represented by the less feminine and less masculine energies of Capricorn and Aquarius. These signs are more androgynous in nature and really are opposite in nature to the archetypal pure Divine Masculine fire energies of Leo.


  • No elemental polarization of the Moon energy itself exists as it is singular

  • The Moon, however, is in a mutually dualistic function with the Sun, acting as divine opposite charges. The Moon represents the Divine Female, naturally most often embodied in an actual female. Everybody has Divine Feminine consciousness within their soul and a Moon placement. Moon is the Divine Mother.

  • Jupiter, is exalted in Cancer (the sign of the Moon). One can say Jupiter, as a male-bodied planet, also take on mother roles, in terms of parenting, teaching etc., with great success

  • Astrologically, the opposite energy to Moon (as seen through the sign of Cancer) is ruled by Saturn (Capricorn). This is a polarization, but it is not specifically monadic in nature. It is seen more as a "Split" ie. Split Soul (Twin Flames).

  • For our Yin and Yang, there is no planetary placement in pure Cancer (Moon) energy. This is because the Moon roles are shared between the male and the female (which is normal for the more androgynous-natured Monadic Twin Flames). The twins' tropical Taurus Moon is strong, but less feminine energetically, and is actually more masculine behaving as compared to the pure feminine water energy based on the Cancer archetype.


  • This planetary body is energetically ruled and polarized through the zodiac signs of Gemini (less masculine, active Air) as compared to Virgo (less feminine, reactive Earth)

  • Mercury is seen as being exalted in its feminine ruler Virgo, as it is debilitated in Pisces. Yet Aquarius can be considered as a strong co-exaltation point for this planet (Uranus is the higher octave of Gemini, and Scorpio which is ruled by Virgo's higher octave Pluto, exalts Uranus). Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius, and often goes in retrograde.

  • Mercury is androgynous and display characteristics that are seen as both feminine and masculine as the same time

  • Mercury represents the rational/logical mind in tropical Western astrology

  • Inter-sex, non-binary (and trans) people are represented by this planet

  • The higher octave of Mercury is seen through Uranus for the zodiac sign of masculine Gemini (and it is debated that Pluto is the higher octave for feminine Virgo)

  • Mercury will have its ruler shown as elementally polarized (regardless of degree proximity) in tropical Monadic Twin Flame horoscopes. Tropical horoscopes show the specific polarization planets and placements, so this is a very important planet in identifying this type of Divine Counterpart. Sidereal horoscopes show the overall DM vs DF polarization based on feminine vs masculine energies, the associated houses as well as feminine vs masculine planetary bodies


  • This planetary body is energetically ruled and polarized through the zodiac signs of Libra (less masculine, active Air) as compared to Taurus (less feminine, reactive Earth).

  • Venus is exalted in the most feminine water sign of Pisces. It therefore also is debilitated in the opposite sign of Virgo, and falls in the placements of Aries and Scorpio.

  • Venus is an important planet in helping to identify the female Monadic Twin Flame counterpart in a male horoscope. In our example, in the male's chart, his Venus placement is in a conjunction to the female's Sun and Mercury. Mercury is seen as ruling the body through his Virgo Rising, and Sun is the association of Divine Masculine consciousness, which is in a feminine sign of Capricorn for the female. In terms of mind, and higher mind, and everything else, the female is the masculine / Yang-dominated twin, the pushed out aspect of the more Yin twin's masculine energy

  • It is seen as having a female planetary body, and therefore co-rules women generally speaking (along with Moon). Venus however, is psychologically quite masculine, as seen through its primary domicile of Libra. It's a planet, just like Mercury, that have some bi-gendered aspects.


  • This planetary body is energetically ruled and polarized through the zodiac signs of Aries (more masculine, active Fire) as compared to Scorpio (more feminine, reactive Water)

  • Mars is exalted in Earth-sign Capricorn and debilitated in the water sign of Cancer. Mars is challenged in its detriment placements of Libra and Taurus

  • It is seen as having a male planetary body, and therefore co-rules men generally speaking (along with Sun). Mars however, is psychologically well-nourished in the feminine energies, as seen through its exaltation of Capricorn, bi-domicile of Scorpio and through the Kabbalah - Tree of Life. Some Vedic astrologers view Scorpio as being the primary domicile for Mars. This makes a lot of sense to me as well, as Venus has its domicile in masculine Libra, however I haven't been able to validate this through any personal experience, as of yet. Also, Mars and Aries are too primaries in terms of everything astrological. They go perfectly together, and Scorpio has a strong co-ruler already in Pluto (and sidereal Ketu)


  • This planetary body is energetically ruled and polarized through the zodiac signs of Sagittarius (more masculine, active Fire) as compared to Pisces (more feminine, reactive Water)

  • Jupiter symbolizes, among many things, the higher mind and the knowledge and wisdom that comes with that

  • Jupiter is exalted in Water-sign Cancer and debilitated in the Earth sign of Capricorn. Jupiter is challenged in its detriment placements of Gemini and Virgo

  • The higher octave ruler of Sagittarius is Uranus, whereas the higher octave ruler of Pisces is Neptune. Uranus and Neptune are polarized in our Monadic Twin Flame horoscope. The Yin twin is represented by stronger Neptunian vibrations and placements, and the Yang twin by stronger Uranian vibrations and placements

  • In more general astrology, Jupiter strongly rules spirituality through higher mind principles

  • In terms of divine counterparts, Jupiter often planetarily polarizes with its twin-like counterpart, the comet Juno. These two are essential in identifying divine counterparts astrologically speaking. In our example, Yin has Juno in Capricorn closely polarized with Yang's Jupiter in Aquarius. The sympathetic energy transits of Jupiter and Juno has matched up with my own divine counterpart meeting experiences


  • This planetary body is energetically polarized through ruling the zodiac signs of Aquarius (less masculine, active Air) as compared to Capricorn (less feminine, reactive Earth)

  • Both Aquarius and Capricorn have secondary higher octave (spiritual/divine) rulers which is confirmed by Uranus' modern co-rulership of Aquarius. As duality is in many ways the foundation of astrology, Capricorn would also need to have a secondary ruler. The Moon  especially, and Chiron are potential candidates of such, but they have yet to be validated

  • Saturn is placed high up on the ladder in terms of consciousness, and is a very spiritual planet in terms of the more down-to-earth and rational approach to this topic. Saturn is the outer-most of the "original and visible" planets, and represents in many ways the colder, more detached, deeper karmic abyss. The things that are more challenging to deal with

  • One could say that Aquarius and Capricorn and their main ruler, Saturn, represent core soul maturity, a more advanced level of consciousness also seen in its dedication to serving mankind. Any astrological placements in the signs of especially Aquarius (sidereally co-ruled by Rahu/NN), and to a lesser degree Capricorn, will often result in a higher degree of karmic duties and residue as Saturn rules time and age, and help to make sure we don't waste our lives away and instead take responsibility. We're here to learn our lessons, and help other people learn them as well. If things fall behind, or we need to make up for something karmically speaking, energies in those signs cannot escape this inevitable balancing. Saturn is exalted in the balancing sign of Libra. Another sign, Scorpio, is also highly karmically charged, but instead through the planets Mars and Pluto (and in Vedic through Ketu/SN). Saturn is seen as the significator of the 8th house (the naturally Scorpionic arena) and rules the 10th and 11th houses of career, reputation, public, government as well as gains, social circles, networking... respectively.

Numbers, Tarot Cards, Colours and Symbols related to Monadic Twin Flames


The number 1 in astrological numerology is linked to the Sun and Soul. 11 therefore means "Duality Soul", or can be interpreted as "Exalted Sun" or "Divine Soul". "Duality Soul" is another name for "Twin Flame". 11:11 is easily linked to Twin Flames in general, as they are their own Duality (Over) Soul in two bodies. Higher level soul mates / divine counterparts that resonate very close in terms of soul frequency proximity also would see this number a lot. It's a symbol of similar vibration.

The number 2 is associated with the Moon. In this case, and many other cases, the twins have identical Moons so the number 22 also strongly relates to them.


  • The Emperor card represents the zodiac sign of Aries ruled by Mars, which is the most divine masculine sign. Opposite to The Emperor we find Venus in the Empress card. The Star card represents divine masculine Aquarius through Saturn and Uranus.

  • The Moon card represents the zodiac sign of Pisces, which is the most divine feminine sign ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. Opposite to this is The Hermit card, represented by the zodiac sign of Virgo, ruled by Mercury.

  • The number 38 has shown up repeatedly in my own Tarot sessions for my own twin flame connection. This represents Jupiter and Saturn, which are the "polarized", or rather contrasting sidereal Sun energies of our Yin and Yang. Expansion versus restriction. Our Yang is expansion in terms of Sun energy, but most other energies are restrictive. The Yin twin's sidereal Sun sign symbolizes restriction of Sun energy, but as Yin is Leo Rising, it's an interpretation he should apply in a milder fashion.

The dualistic sign of Gemini represents twins and duality in general, in a somewhat similar way as Libra/Venus, and does usually play into Twin Flames' horoscopes either through the 3rd house of communication or represented in a significant or sometimes hidden way. The tarot card The Lovers represent this energy.


  • The colour GOLD is associated with the Monadic divine masculine, and SILVER with the Monadic divine feminine

  • The fire element (coloured RED) represents the core divine masculine and the water element (usually coloured BLUE/PURPLE) represents the core divine feminine element. Likewise, the most feminine water sign of Pisces is most often associated with the colour BLUE/PURPLE, and the most masculine fire sign of Aries is associated with the colour RED.

  • In Yin and Yang, the divine feminine is represented as Yin (BLACK part, white dot) and the divine masculine by Yang (WHITE part, black dot)

Keep in mind, we all have masculine and feminine energies within us, but we are observing the world as souls by either a masculine or feminine charged consciousness. These colours symbolize the different roles and energies that the Yin and Yang aspects of Monadic Twin Flames rule within the shared third energy.

  • Divine Masculine / Yang energies: Metal GOLD / Fire RED / Yang WHITE

  • Divine Feminine / Yin energies: Metal SILVER / Water BLUE / Yin BLACK

NEPTUNE & URANUS - Divine Aspects of Monadic Twin Flames

Tropical Western ~ Earthly Perspective:

There is a very clear theme of Neptune and Uranus showing up on each side of the twins' Venus placement (Venus is the ruler of the shared emotional body ~ Moon). In the sky, Uranus and Neptune are not visible by the naked eye, but once we zoom in and view them through a telescope, we see that these two gas planets are very twin-like in appearance. They are in fact divine counterparts. Energetically, we discover that through this dynamics playing out in the polarization of those planets pertaining to the tropical astrology system.

  • Yin's soul journey is mapped out based on Neptune (via Virgo Rising being ruled by feminine Neptune in Capricorn, and co-ruled by Jupiter in Pisces, both feminine)

  • Yang's soul journey is mapped out based on Uranus (via Yin's vertex / 2nd ascendant in masculine Aquarius acting as Yang's shadow-ascendant, ruled by Uranus in Aquarius and co-ruled by Saturn in Aries, both masculine).

Aquarius and Capricorn share the basic "mother" (or ancient) ruler of Saturn. These signs are then individualized via Aquarius ascending spiritually (or physically away from Saturn) due to having co-rulership from the divine wisdom planet, Uranus. One can also say, Capricorn stays in the lower Saturnian mother roots of structure and tradition, while Aquarius ascends and seek to change the status quo and evolve on behalf of society and mankind. The ascended Aquarius energy then gets a Monadic twin, Pisces, who become ruled by Neptune, the transcendent feminine spiritual principle. As Monadic energetically linked twins, both have different mothers though. Pisces' original "mother energy" and ruler is Jupiter, whereas Aquarius' as mentioned is Saturn. This is literally the natural energetic chronicle of the zodiac as compared to the historical astronomical milestones of planetary discovery.

In our example of the Kabbalah - The Tree of Life (as outlined below), active Uranus sits on the upper-most right masculine Pillar of Mercy (which most people agree to be the psychologically appropriate position for Uranus), and Neptune is placed on the opposite feminine side on the Pillar of Severity. For our Yin and Yang, we see that exact dynamic playing out in terms of tropically astrological placements. Keep in mind, Neptune and Uranus are divine planetary bodies that are not naturally visible to the naked eye, just like these aspects of the divine feminine and masculine are not physically visible in Yin being a male, and Yang being a female. And the spiritual inclination of most people is hard to recognize based on anything external.

Even though both carry their own masculine and feminine energies as individual souls, having each of their shared emotional body ~ Moon-ruler, Venus, lined up with Neptune and Uranus on each side make them energetically resemble one another in terms of the mind's energetic landscape and spiritual capacity. It is also interesting that Uranus sits behind the Moon-ruler Venus' direction, which is direct for Yin and retrograde for Yang, acting more subconsciously with Neptune located in front of Venus' direction as if Neptune is a lens to view the world through. On our version of the Kabbalah, Neptune is located on the feminine Pillar of Severity. This pillar of energy bodies are represented as "form". Uranus, on the opposite pillar, is represented as "force".

As viewed through Yin's Virgo Rising, the female Yang is actually the embodiment of Yin's Uranus, having her body-ruler Mercury in Sag exactly conjunct Yin's Uranus. It's a freedom-loving and progressive divine masculine energy and she owns the natural rulership of Uranus in Aquarius. As a result, she is strongly inclined on the active, outward-focused, social and psychologically masculine aspect of divine wisdom. Uranus is more science-based in its approach, preferring objective facts over the more subjective Neptunian approach, and is focused on improving technology and expanding mankind's reach into outer space. Uranus also rule the zodiac and super-scientific languages like astrology (and numerology) Uranus is seen as the higher octave of masculine Jupiter (ruled by Sagittarius). Yang's Pluto is also ruled by masculine Sagittarius.

The male Yin is the embodiment of Neptune as seen by his tropical Virgo Rising guided by Mercury in Pisces (which is ruled by Neptune in Capricorn and Jupiter in Pisces). This results in a peculiar combination of feminine analytical and at times judgmental (the feminine Pillar of Severity is also called the Pillar of Judgment) combined with a deep loving motherly warmth. He exudes deep imaginative, abstract, creative, emotional and intuitively heightened energy sensitivity with a level of developed psychic abilities (clairsentience and claircognizance).

Yang's natal Uranus is placed on the same degree as Yin's natal Neptune, and are naturally polarized through the Saturn-ruled signs of Aquarius and Capricorn. Saturn by the way, in our take of the Kabbalah - the Tree of Life, is placed on the middle Pillar of Balance & Consciousness. When the twins manage to collapse polarization through inner union, their composite (combined) Saturn lands directly on their shared Aquarius Sun vs Mars degree. This represents a unification and empowerment of the divine masculine consciousness within their shared third energy. When the Saturn energy is fully balanced, all the polarization within their individual and composite charts will balance out accordingly. The composite Uranus and Neptune will also be ruled and empowered by Saturn exactly where Yang's natal Sun sits. So it's all up to the balance of Saturn, which will flow from Yin's Sun energy, internalized within the divine feminine consciousness, towards Yang's Mars energy. Yin's Sun frequency is the black dot inside of Yang. Just like Yang's Moon frequency is the white dot inside of Yin. Sidereal astrology - the universal perspective - shows the clearest energetic interpretation of this.

PLUTO, consciousness and the Crown

Tropical Western - Earthly Perspective:

Pluto is seated at the top of the Kabbalah's Pillar of Balance as Kether, the Crown, and represents the divine (and therefore also the initial humanly embodied - as above, so below) "I AM" spark of consciousness. The higher octave, and divine principle of Mars as astrologically depicted in Aries as compared to Scorpio. Yang's Pluto in Sagittarius sits on the same degree as the before-mentioned polarized Uranus in Aquarius, denoting a natural integration with Kether (Pluto) becoming an extension of Chokmah (Uranus). Yin's Neptune in Capricorn placement sextiles his Pluto in Scorpio within 3 degrees. Conclusively, this shows positive spiritual ascension sextiles in masculine energies for Yang and in feminine energies for Yin. As Yin's Pluto is in the opposite sign of Scorpio, compared to his shared Moon in Taurus, it clearly shows that his original divine home (as the feminine consciousness) is on the opposite end of the scale, psychologically speaking, compared to the Pluto-ruled Kether / Crown where Yang, as the masculine consciousness originates from.

The first character of Yin's first and last name actually spells out PL (the symbol of Pluto) and his horoscope is extremely Scorpionic with a loaded 8th house and Plutonian influences to all his personal planets. Viewed from Yin's horoscope, Yang's Pluto sits on the 4th house cusp representing her birth of consciousness in this life from the Pluto's crown (chakra). Her Mercury which sits later in the same sign represents the birth of her physical body. Yang was born almost 11 years after Yin, who is the older male twin. 9-14 years of age, in particular, is linked with the astrological 4th house, which reaches almost all the way into the degree of Yang's Sun in Capricorn. The age of 14 (which represents the start of the conditioning of the 5th house - "high school-ish") as compared to his approximate age of 11 years when Yang was born, results in 3 years of difference. Yin was 3 years of age when his sidereal Sun mahadasha (major time period) kicked in. Yin was thriving during those Sun years (probably the best years of his life to date). Why? Because his sidereal chart-ruling Sun is in feminine Capricorn in the Sun-benefic 6th house. These facts are even more proof that Yin and Yang are following the same energetic reincarnation cycle. Yin attended high school around the time Yang's Sun energetically shows up in the early stages of his 5th house. When Yin started high school, during his Moon-mahadasha, he felt subconsciously empowered (Moon ruling the sidereal 12th house of the subconscious) yet confused, catalyzed by the feeling of reconnecting with his performance-oriented musical childhood in a feminine Sun role. He was the keyboard-playing (feminine Capricorn rules the piano/keyboard) lead singer (Sun) in most of the concerts he performed in as a child. At his high school, he took the lead (Sun) in pretty much everything musically speaking and he also remembers his prime moment of performing as a lead singer in front of everybody. He sang "Mona, Mona, Mona" - a song about a school boy who is crushing on a girl. What he didn't know at the time is that "Mona" refers back to the "Monad". So at the age of 17, Yin was singing about a Mona-dic female person. Might that have been Yang? 17 is a very special number for Yang, which also is her Sun degree and Yin's Moon degree.

KABBALAH - the psychological Tree of Life - related to Monadic Twin Flames

We have applied our spiritual wisdom and the knowledge gathered from analyzing this Monadic Twin Flame horoscope. This has resulted in a version of the Tree of Life (Kabbalah) that is astrologically and psychologically validating all our observations.

#1 KETHER, the Crown, represents consciousness on the neutral Pillar of Balance, ruled by:

  • Pluto

    • Pluto is seen in both horoscopes as a clear upgrade to their respective polarized feminine Neptune in Capricorn and masculine Uranus in Aquarius spiritual domains. Pluto is astrologically depicted through complimentary feminine (for Yin) or masculine (for Yang) 0-3 degree sextiles as an upper extension towards the crown chakra. Natally, Yang has the natural rulership of Uranus in Aquarius, and is therefore already naturally spiritually mature compared to masculine divine wisdom. Pluto is currently maturing in its transit of tropical Aquarius and this will provide her with opportunities to reconnect with the crown chakra once her Venus and especially Uranus (the spiritual divine masculine final dispositor) is fully conjunct the slowly transitting Pluto.

    • In our Monadic Twin Flame example, the first letter of each first name connected forms the symbol of Pluto (which refers back to their monadic higher dimensional origin of being created out of the same Monad)

    • The crown chakra is where Shiva (DM) is asleep, his home one could say, until woken up by Shakti (DF). However, with Monadic Twin Flames, Shakti has already been awoken for Yin in the years prior to meeting Yang.

    • The transits of Neptune in Pisces and all the way back to the early days of Pluto in Capricorn when Yin moved away from his homeland, was actually the true awakening journey for Yin, as a part of the divine feminine consciousness. Many divine feminine's were spiritually awakened during the Pluto in Capricorn transit. Covid was especially a peak time for this ascension, where Pluto temporarily shut down aspects of society and challenged the traditional governmental systems. The divine masculine collective is truly starting to ascend these days, due to Pluto in Aquarius, as well as Neptune and Uranus moving into masculine territory in Aries and Gemini, respectively.

    • The Crown represents the ultimate destination in terms of ascension for Monadic Twin Flames. Yang's Pluto sits on Yin's cusp to the 4th house of "home" in masculine Sagittarius, which is ruled by higher mind ruler Jupiter. Yin's own Pluto sits in the 3rd house of the lower mind, and twins, and has root chakra undertones to it through Mars in its "home" of Aries in the subconscious 8th house. Pluto is purifying and transforming Yin's Scorpionic-like lower mind towards embracing a more crown chakra driven divine agenda.

    • The figure-8 symbol is a symbol of Pluto, as well as being symbolized by the crown

#2 CHOKMAH is Divine Wisdom on the psychologically masculine / Yang (+) Pillar of Mercy, and is ruled by:

  • Uranus

    • Chokmah, ruled by Uranus represent the divine spiritual principles that one must embrace on the way to Kether, the Crown (psychologically and astrologically represented by Pluto). This planet, along with Neptune, represent divine counterparts with their twin-like similar appearance, promoting divine wisdom and higher unconditional love

    • Clearly confirmed by the Monadic Twin Flame's synastry and composite horoscopes. Composite Uranus and Neptune is placed directly on the same degree as Yang's Sun (which represents the subconscious Sun frequency, the Divine Feminine soul). Composite Saturn is placed directly on Yin's Sun as he rules the lower chakras and need to balance these in order to balance the distorted mind polarization. In synastry, Yin's feminine Neptune in Capricorn is directly polarized (on the same degree) with Yang's masculine Uranus in Aquarius. Also, on this degree, if combined in the composite chart, Yang's Pluto and Uranus literally becomes Yin's Neptune. They have the same divine origin. Yang have a direct contact with the crown chakra from a masculine energy (subconscious Divine Masculine) perspective and takes direct mind (Mercury) input from masculine Uranus in Yin's horoscope (Virgo Rising ruled by Mercury ~ Yang's Mercury sitting where Yin's Uranus is) and in her own horoscope shown in the natural rulership of Uranus in Aquarius.

    • Yang's Uranus in Aquarius, located on the same degree as her Pluto in Sagittarius, symbolizes an inherent well-developed masculine-natured spiritual maturity. Uranus is empowered in its own rulership of Aquarius and is the higher level foundation for Yang's tropical astrology natal chart. Uranus is located on the psychological masculine Pillar of Mercy of the Kabbalah, and is one step before reaching the Crown, Kether (as represented by Pluto). There's a natural affinity with divine wisdom and the crown chakra within Yang as if these are her spiritual homes. This is possibly been distorted through the conditioning she has gone through in this life. Nonetheless, she is here to overcome that and empower Uranus and Pluto through aspects of fighting for freedom, truth and genuine progress for mankind, aided by a strong and purified belief system based on aspects of divine will, purpose and the strength to overcome any challenge.

#3 BINAH or Divine Understanding on the psychologically feminine / Yin (-) Pillar of Severity is ruled by:

  • Neptune

    • Neptune and Pisces represents the deepest waters of the sea, those areas we cannot see, and therefore also the subconscious/unconscious mind

    • Neptune on the lower planes represent severe vibrations such as confusion, illusion, scams, deceit, hidden agendas and mental issues. On a higher level, themes like unconditional love, intuition, psychic ability, spirituality etc. are highlighted

    • Yin has a Saturn-ruled (root-chakra-based) slightly challenged Neptune in Capricorn. Yang's Neptune sits at the tropically late degrees of 28/29, which can indicate her Eartly incarnations are soon to be completed.

    • Yin's spiritual awakening was catalyzed as a major vibrational downfall challenging the deepest foundations of his root and sacral chakras, when Saturn in Capricorn was in direct conjunction to his natal Neptune. This co-related to periods of his childhood, was experienced during a tropical Capricorn Saturn transit to his natal Neptune. A female karmic soul catalyst was contracted to expose and help heal the deepest aspects of his dark energy distortions and lower vibrations as soon as his natal Neptune came in close conjunction to transit Saturn. Saturn, embodied by this female (acting in a similar role as his mother during his childhood - Saturn in the 4th archetypal Moon house), became a powerful twin flame catalyst - since his natal Neptune is ruled by Saturn, and the catalysts' natal Moon is conjunct within 2-degrees - through a relationship that endured the death of his primary mother figure, huge financial losses, accidents, threats, emergencies, theft, water damages/flooding, and massive confusion, physical and emotional surrender. He's deeply grateful for these experiences, as they catalyzed his spiritual awakening (which Neptune also represents) and helped him heal and magnetize his Monadic Twin Flame soul journey. The spiritual challenges and lessons were all Neptunian (and Saturnian) in nature, broadly conjunct transit Pluto in Capricorn.

(#X DA'ATH) is most often depicted as the hidden domain where all the sefirots come together, in our view this stage is ruled by:

  • Saturn

    • A fully balanced and empowered composite Saturn (the merging of the two individual Saturn placements for our Monadic Twin Flames) represents full unity in all aspects of the tropically polarized astrological energy placements. Getting to this point, and staying there at all times, is more or less impossible for normal human beings. Nonetheless, this is the goal. Unity consciousness on all planes. Becoming one.

    • Composite Saturn is strongly placed in tropical Aquarius / sidereal Capricorn, directly on the degree of Yin's Sun and Yang's Mars, in direct planetary partnership with composite Uranus and Neptune on Yang's Sun degree. The latter being ruled by Saturn as well, so it really all comes down to Saturn representing unity consciousness for the twin pair. Yang, as the Divine Masculine consciousness is here to embody Uranus, joined with the Neptunian feminine principle from Yin, and become balanced in the lower as well as upper-chakra as the physical grounded twin.

    • Saturn is the polarization ruler of this connection, and once fully merged, represents the deepest level of unity between the twins. When Saturn aligns, all things ruled by Saturn in their horoscopes will stand out strongly almost like merging two people into one in many essential areas of their lives. This also represents "working together as one" ~ being a team or a unit on the same mission to help mankind

    • Saturn is exalted in female-bodied masculine Libra and rules the root chakra, the starting point for Shakti (DF's) energy vibration. Libra represents many things, including balance. Yang's Juno in Libra is closely aspecting her Venus in Aquarius along with dark feminine Lilith in Libra in close harmony with her Uranus in Aquarius final dispositor (other than energetically proceeding to Saturn, represented by the Divine Feminine in this example)

    • Saturn is represented by the feminine even number 8, and signifies the Scorpionic abyss of the 8th house in Vedic astrology. Saturn therefore also has a strong Plutonian undercurrent to it. It's like these two powerful energy bodies can really make you or break you. The obstacles brought on by Saturn, as well as the lessons from the spiritual satellites Neptune and Uranus, need to be learned and overcome before one can ascend further into the Crown, Kether.

#4 CHESED, representing God and righteousness on the psychologically masculine / Yang (+) Pillar of Mercy ruled by:

  • Jupiter

    • Even though Yin has the stronger domicile Jupiter in Pisces in both astro systems, Yin's soul mission is more based on Mars as seen through his domicile tropical Aries mars, which is charged through the retention of Aries Rahu's kundalini feminine energies, and Mars being the sidereal ruler of the Sun's lord and the Moon's zodiac sign. Yang's sidereal Jupiter in Capricorn is the atmakaraka for her (soul guiding planet). It is greatly challenged, but gets much relief from her exalted Mars in Capricorn, which represents a core element of the soul frequency she shares with Yin through his Sun in Capricorn. Despite both planets being masculine-bodied (mostly Mars...), Jupiter sits on the psychologically masculine Pillar of Mercy, and Mars is on the psychologically feminine Pillar of Severity. Jupiter, along with Saturn, has a very fluid energy body nature, also resembled by their mainly gas-based planetary composition, and I personally don't prefer to classify them in terms of polarity or gender. Jupiter, however, does lean strongly towards the masculine territory through its multrikoon sign Sagittarius despite doing very well in the Water signs of Cancer, Pisces as well as Scorpio. Jupiter likes to be positive and optimistic embracing all kinds of beliefs, but is considered to be more challenged in its fall/detrimental states of Capricorn, Virgo and Gemini.

    • Yang's Jupiter in Aquarius is ruled by Uranus in Aquarius and the higher ruler of Jupiter IS Uranus, as seen through astrology and the Kabbalah system. Also Yang's Venus is ruled by Uranus in Aquarius. Venus is the bottom step (#7) on the right side masculine Pillar of Mercy. The starting place for Yang's re-ascension where collapsing duality with Yin in terms of the polarization of the tropical Moon ruler, Venus, is key. This inner unity will happen as a result of Yin collapsing the Saturn energies into aligning and fully empowering his Sun rulers' energy, and simultaneously Yang's Mars will become maximum empowered with the composite Saturn in tropical Aquarius / sidereal Capricorn. This Mars rules Yang's Moon, emotional well-being, as well as most of her tropical horoscope, which means her entire life will change as a result of the inner alignment with Yin.

    • Jupiter's polarization between masculine fire sign Sagittarius (external expansion) - mainly represented by Yang's Sun sign - and feminine water sign Pisces (internal expansion) seen through Yin's Mars, Rahu and Jupiter is the core sidereal energetic principle and polarized aspects of their shared core mission in this life. However, the core frequency that weave them together is based on the synastry of Sun-Mars ruled by Saturn (their combined Saturns / energetic soul blueprint land exactly on that frequency, tropical astrology clearly highlights this), and the shared Moon which refers to their Monadic (divine feminine) oversoul where they are always one.

#5 GEWURAH, representing severity, energy and will on the psychologically feminine / Yin (-) Pillar of Severity ruled by:

  • Mars

    • In the tropical horoscope, Yin's masculine Mars in Aries in the feminine 8th house is the main Divine Masculine final dispositor energy surrounding the Monadic Twin Flame connection, along with Yang's Uranus in Aquarius. Yin's Jupiter in Pisces is a strong dispositor that energetically leads on to its higher octave in Neptune in Capricorn. This matches the modern planetary astrological rulership principles that tropical Western astrology applies

    • Sidereally, Yang has an empowered exalted Mars in Capricorn that equals Yin's Sun at the exact same degree. This Mars guides Yang's masculine sidereal Moon, along with Venus. Mars in Capricorn, as compared to Yin's spiritually charged Mars in Pisces, clearly displays Yang as the physical and grounded pushed-out twin. Yin's Jupiter in Pisces is the sidereal final dispositor for this energy dynamic

#6 TIPHARETH, representing spirituality, beauty and integration on the neutral Pillar of Balance ruled by:

  • Sun

    • Yin dominates the hyper-feminine domains energetically through the Neptunian (Piscean) type of energies in the shared third energy field - but is the physical embodiment of the Sun energy as seen through sidereal astrology and validated by his biological male gender. This Sun, however, is still in feminine energy. Only the ascendant Leo remains masculine energy oriented, which really refers to his physical vessel, his male body. Yin is also the older twin (which equals to being the Divine Feminine, which also means the wiser, more soul experienced and spiritual counterpart).

    • Yin was born in the evening of Winter at a time when the Moon was strongly waxing and lit up in the sky, and when the Sun energy was weaker. If one zooms in on Yin's Moon line in his tropical astro cartography chart, you will see that the Moon line actually closely hovers over his current residence of South Vancouver, BC (around the place where Yang was born). Therefore the birth of Yang is like the birth of the female-bodied Moon. When Yang was born, Yin's sidereal Moon mahadasha (major time period) begun, and it kick-started a major identity crisis as his internal energies became unstable as Yang was now reincarnated and fluctuating energetically according to her immediate surrounding energetic environment, and her Rahu/North Node now started to attract Yin's exactly conjunct Ascendant towards her, and the other way around (Yang's Saturn - work and many other things - being attracted to Yin's conjunct Rahu/North Node). Yin for years never understood fully why this extreme shift happened, until he discovered astrology and subsequently met Yang who told him her birthday. As he heard the number, he knew this was gonna be wild.

    • The Sun energy was shining much brighter around Yang's location when Yin was born, but the Moon was dominant where Yin was born. This is important to note, because it tells a story of a Sun (male) person who in fact dominate the divine Moon energy (Yin's sidereal Sun is also in the lunar-mansion of Moon, and his tropical Sun dispositor sit in the archetypal Moon-house of the 4th). Yang is a female / Moon person who in fact flows much easier with the Sun's energy, as confusing as that may sound. Yin physically embodies the Sun, which was "dark in the sky" when he was born, as confirmed by his challenged Sun placement in its detriment of tropical Aquarius. Also, Aquarius is much more inherently spiritual and intuitive than the grounded, practical yet exalted Taurus Moon. Yin naturally resonates A LOT with his strong Moon in Taurus sign, which is in a direct square to his Sun, but that is also partially due to the subdued and subconsciously functioning nature of his Sun in Aquarius. It is weaker and held up against a very strong and easily expressed Moon sign that is sympathetic to his soul consciousness. Through his childhood, he would spent most of his time at home with women. As solid and reliable as his father was, he would also be very distant at times, working to provide for the family. All these stories match the astrological placements, and their energetic "well-being".

    • Yin's work and professional self is based on being on stage (Sun), in distant focus (as Aquarius naturally is, Sun energy-wise), but naturally in the spotlight most of the time. Privately, at home and among friends and family, Yin clearly takes on the more reliable and often slower paced tropical Taurus Moon, mixed with the social, fun and peculiar aspects of Aquarius Sun. The combination of these two energies become early tropical Libra energy, which is the most balanced expression of Yin's Sun and Moon energy together.

    • Yin and Yang met "at work". That work environment is a type of Moon energy wrapped in a blanket of Sun energy. The Sun people are primarily the musicians working there to entertain people through their creative abilities and musical expression. The Moon people are the employed workers who nourishes, flirts and socializes with people and accept payment. These Moon people often take the role of stepping into the public "Sun-light", especially the females working there, which biologically shine brighter with the Moon energy due to their natural gender expression. The Moon aspect of the work place is, especially as the night goes by, executed mostly through the lower mind / chakras of inhibiting traits that evoke desire and lust emphasized by drugs like alcohol. Yin's purpose there is by now solely higher mind (Jupiter) oriented, catalyzing growth and positive higher vibrations through musical performance while learning to balance and navigate spiritually challenging lower vibrations. He is there to evolve as an artist, and to promote lighter and inspiring vibrations to everyone through music. This approach matches a more Divine Feminine type of agenda, while the Divine Masculine version dominates the "lower version" of those aspects. The dynamics of the work in terms of role and function exhibits feminine expressive Sun energy through Yin and psychologically masculine social Venus-like energy through Yang. The more rugged, practical and nourishing Taurus Moon placement is clearly embodied by Yang, and the distant, but talented Aquarius Sun is clearly embodied by Yin.

    • The twins' Sun placements are energetically polarized tropically through the Saturn signs of Aquarius and Capricorn. Saturn often represents challenging circumstances (ie. Yang's Saturn is debilitated in Aries), and due to Yin's detriment of Sun in Aquarius, his internal Sun energy vibration is hard to balance as it lacks the natal energetic empowerment. As Yin is actually sidereally Leo Rising - when he is in balance - he will naturally shine like the Divine Masculine Sun - be confident, initiative, ambitious and hard-working. Yang will reflect back this level of stability correspondingly, both positively and negatively, when Yin is in or out of balance. Yang is more grounded based on the biological resonance with the Moon in Taurus, but has her own set of challenges via Venus in retrograde in close conjunction with Neptune looking at a debilitated Aries Saturn. Luckily, the rulership of Uranus in Aquarius helps her greatly in the higher level bigger picture sector. This is her inherent spiritual successful accomplishment, most likely gained in other lives, and continued into this one. However, I can only empathize with the amount of potentially deceitful challenges she could have experienced due to her Venus retrograde conjunct Neptune looking at Aries Saturn aspects, unfortunately, as she might have also embodied and attracted the same highly manipulative traits in lower periods of her life. This is also why Yin (and not as much Yang), as the older male who is more experienced at the life and soul level, is mainly responsible for aligning the Sun internally as a way to overcome this instability in the shared third energy. The Moon is hard to shake in Taurus, but the input to it, is more unstable in Yang's own energy field, also due to the polarized relationship with Yin's Venus (Moon-ruler). Therefore, together with Yin, she has a greater aim at becoming the fully embodied "Divine Masculine" female.

    • As mentioned, Yang's psychologically masculine spiritual wisdom is already well-accomplished seen through the rulership of Uranus in Aquarius. This planet is well supported by psychologically masculine Jupiter and Venus, all which are polarized with Yin's respective feminine placements of Neptune, Juno and Venus in Capricorn. Yang's Moon input is polarized Divine Masculine taking directions from her own higher octave ruler of Uranus in Aquarius and through Yin's Sun sign in Aquarius (which is represented in Yang's identical Mars placement on the same degree), ruled by his Uranus and Saturn in Sagittarius. In full balance (as seen from the composite chart) Yin's Sun lines up exactly with its primary mother-ruler, Saturn.

#7 NETZACH, is related to victory and eternity on the psychologically masculine / Yang (+) Pillar of Mercy ruled by:

  • Venus

    • This planet is essential for both Twin Flames in this example. Venus is embodied by Yang as it rules her physically dominant Moon in Taurus, and is psychologically in line with her Divine Masculine energies. However, Venus is in retrograde for Yang which makes Yin's side of the Venus placement more naturally, outwardly, and creatively expressive in comparison. A retrograde Venus is more receptive and introspective. It's a tough astrological placement to deal with until one overcomes the retrograde. This will happen around the years of Yang's Saturn return, but will be playing catch-up in the years following that. Yin spends a lot of time doing creative performance work, so he uses a lot of his Venusian energies in career and publicly related matters as seen through his sidereal 10th house being ruled by Venus in Sagittarius, which is strongly fuelled by creative and imaginative Jupiter in feminine Pisces.

    • Venus in the Kabbalah connects closest with its neighbouring energies, also in terms of physical proximity in the sky, of Moon and Mercury. These form a feminine lower core along with Malkuth (the kingdom of Planet Earth). Venus is the most feminine aspect on the psychologically masculine Pillar of Mercy.

#8 HOD, representing intellectual aspects on the psychologically feminine / Yin (-) Pillar of Severity, ruled by:

  • Mercury

    • Yin is the overall divine feminine soul embodied as a Virgo Rising which is ruled by Mercury (an androgynous planetary body) in Pisces. He is male-born, mainly embodies the feminine energy, but is also well-equipped through his Divine Masculine energies as seen in his Aries Mars domicile. His earthy Rising sign is guided by tropical Pisces, which challenges his logical objective approach with an intuitive subjective mindset, but strengthens his spiritual and energetic sensitivity as well as his Moon-ruler, Venus in Capricorn, which is positively "moisturized" through a 2 degree sextile to Mercury in Pisces. Mercury is further strengthened by its own lord Jupiter being in Pisces as well as a sextile to Pisces' higher octave ruler, Neptune. A spiritual and feminine core that is extremely well-rounded between Earth and Water (sidereally, mostly water). Neptune is the highest vibrational octave for the Divine Feminine, seen through aligning with themes like unconditional love, empathy and energetic sensitivity through potential psychic abilities, before eventually "graduating" to the psychologically Plutonian crown chakra.

#9 YESOD, representing "foundation" on the neutral Pillar of Balance, ruled by:

  • Moon

    • The Moon's sefirot as consciousness on the Pillar of Balance is physically embodied by the female Yang twin in this example. In Yin's sidereal chart she is symbolized by the womb of the Bharani lunar mansion. However, Yin consciously aligns and flows easier with this Moon placement psychologically and spiritually speaking as a result of his Virgo Rising and excess water placements of tropical Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces. These placements add a natural flow, emotional empathy and ease to their shared emotional body, seen through the tropical Moon in Taurus. This Moon placement is by nature grounded, sensual and not particularly spiritual, rather more logical and practical which matches Yang's role and profile well

    • The sidereal version of Moon in Aries is fiery, passionate and quick to feel and act on emotions. That version is again grounded through Yang's sidereal Mars and Venus in Capricorn, where in Yin's chart, he is adding the mutable spiritual flow of watery Mars in Pisces and fiery Venus in Sagittarius. Yang's sidereal Moon's guidance from especially Mars in Capricorn is vital for Yang to remain a high-vibrational female especially as she processes the energy that comes from Yin's Sun sign. She is in essence very strong with her Moon energy and the guidance of that is executed through a filter that Yang (can) embodies to the highest possible degree, as a female Monadic Twin Flame, especially as she empowers her Saturn to merge with Yin's.

    • The shared Moons for our twins symbolize an eternal unity in terms of emotions and love through the shared original Divine Feminine monadic oversoul. The original singular Monad, where the two souls are literally one, is based on the Divine Feminine Mother energy that resides in the much higher dimensions. The Divine Mother gives birth to a duplicate, but inverted copy of herself, the Divine Masculine consciousness so the two can (re)incarnate into the 3rd dimensional planet Earth.

(#10 MALKUTH), representing the kingdom, planet Earth, below the main sefirots

  • (Exalted Moon)

    • The exalted Moon in tropical Taurus, as seen through the shared Moon placement for the Monadic Twin Flames in this astrological segment, in a way represents a deeper extension downward towards Malkuth, the Kingdom of Planet Earth. Situated in the Kabbalah below the main sefirots, directly below the Moon's position on the Pillar of Balance / Consciousness, is the lowest psychological aspect of one's consciousness. The Moon's position right above Malkuth is also meant so The Moon can nurture the kingdom of Planet Earth (and the kingdom nurturing the Moon back). As females can give birth, it makes sense that they strongly represent the embodiment of the Moon on the bottom part of the Kabbalah, which is opposite to Pluto on the top tier, which is by many seen as the higher octave to the Moon. The Taurus archetype ruled by the fixed Earth element is literally the best representation of Planet Earth in astrology as a whole. As dense, stagnant and low-vibrational as that placement can become when it lacks - in contrast to - the external physical beauty of Earth is the most amazing paradise of a kingdom we consciously know of - so far. Therefore, when we live in harmony with nature on Earth, our vibrations as human beings are significantly heightened, and our spirituality flows naturally, as we embody the high-functioning archetype of the grounded, stable, loving and kind Moon in Taurus.

The conclusion

Sidereal Vedic - Universal Perspective:

The sidereal D1 natal birth chart is based on the onset of consciousness as its physical vessel (the body) starts existing independently after exiting the mother's womb. Therefore since Yin is a man, there's a clear male or divine masculine influence to Yin's consciousness as experienced through the physical body. Yin's energetic ruler of his masculine ascendant is the Sun, which is a soul lens that is, in his case, based on dominantly feminine energies from start to finish. Keep in mind, all souls are complete on their own and have a combination of masculine and feminine energy auras. Female bodies are dominated by receptive feminine energies, and the bodies of males are dominated by penetrative masculine energies. For Yin, it is actually the female-bodied planets that are masculine in his sidereal chart - lead by Moon and Venus and an airy masculine Mercury (androgynous/neutral energy body). So these bodies form a feminine-bodied lower core on the Kabbalah - Tree of Life (which mirrors the fact they are located closest to planet Earth, and therefore are the most grounding "rocky" planets). This matches the fact that Yin's divine counterpart, Yang, is a female that embodies a masculine Moon (which takes directions from Mars and Venus) as the Divine Masculine counterpart. She carries the role of the physical pushed out womb of Yin's masculine Aries-Bharani Moon in the masculine 9th house of purpose, joined by a 7th house Aquarius Mercury lower mind, and a fiery, playful and passionately (masculine energy-based) female lover seen through Venus in Sagittarius in the 5th house. This is also the energy that Yin embodies himself internally, through his soul lens of Leo Rising, but he doesn't have the gender to properly physically represent the planetary bodies of Moon and Venus, so this becomes Yang's role.

Yin carries and experiences the same fiery female-bodied masculine Moon energy, subconsciously, sharing this emotional body with Yang. He easily energetically embodies his masculine Venus through his male body through the Venus-ruled Purva Phalguni lunar mansion of his Rising sign of Leo. This has lead him to become successful in his role as a professional musician which dominates his 5th house of creativity and stage performance along with Uranus and Neptune. But what fuels this Venus? Feminine Jupiter in Pisces. What fuels his subconscious masculine Moon? Feminine Mars in Pisces. What fuels his Leo Rising consciousness lens? Feminine Capricorn Sun and to conclude it all: the final dispositor of his energy system is feminine - Jupiter in Pisces (Jupiter is a male planetary body). The soul frequency vibration is ruled by the sidereal Sun in Capricorn. This simultaneously confirms tropical astrology's equivalent ascendant ruler of Mercury, which is sharing a 16 degree wide energy area with the Sun where Yin's 2nd ascendant, the Vertex, sits right in the middle and is literally pointing directly at Yang acting as the 2nd body / lens of consciousness of the same overall soul frequency due to her Jupiter being exactly conjunct that point (Jupiter rules her sidereal Sun/masculine soul in Sagittarius and final dispositor Saturn in Pisces). So Yin's consciousness as the eyes of his soul, as well as the input to his mind, both take their guidance from pure Divine Feminine water (Pisces) and earth (Capricorn) energies. Both of these signs indicates a deep/ancient level of soul maturity.

Tropical Western - Earthly Perspective:

The same conclusion is found in tropical astrology through Jupiter in Pisces being the final dispositor of the Divine Feminine energy. Tropically, Yin's soul consciousness lens is based on earthy Virgo Rising looking at watery Mercury in Pisces, which is guided by the final dispositor energy of Jupiter in Pisces. This is a much cleaner interpretation of the basic nature of his feminine consciousness, however sidereal astrology truly highlights the fact that his body as a male is energetically opposite compared to the conscious feminine domain. Also, in that system, Yang is represented as the grounding masculine Moon and Venus (and Mercury). Yin's tropical emotional body, Moon in Taurus, is easy for him to align with due to his Virgo Rising ascendant. Mars in Aries becomes a strong final dispositor for his Divine Masculine energies. In fact, Pisces is the most feminine energy while Aries is the most masculine. This shows that Yin is extremely complete/mature at the level of soul, and is close to his final reincarnation. Yin is an extremely advanced old soul, a divine fire and water energy power house, which is also a sign that his soul is ready to lead the Monadic Twin Flames into internal and external union. Both Monadic Twin Flames are - like all souls - a combination of the two polarity aspects. Yang is here to mirror back to Yin what he needs to work on through transmutation and healing for the sake of them both. Yin's challenged Sun in Aquarius is under pressure from the strong exalted Taurus Moon and therefore easily becomes distant to him. This is also why Yang is here to help mirror back the DF Sun energy through her Mars, which rules her entire chart through Saturn in Aries (co-ruled by Uranus in Aquarius). The subconscious mind, as seen through Moon in astrology, is responsible for the majority of our manifested reality. However, it's Yin's Sun - which is energetically identical to Yang's Mars, that is the most important core frequency in terms of balancing the entire energy system. It's the internal and psychological Divine Masculine aspects that needs balancing for them both. The feminine collective has already undergone a huge upgrade in consciousness, and the original Monadic mother is Divine Feminine in origin. Their masculine shared Sun - Mars axis does not initially feel good to Yin or Yang emotionally speaking due to the square to their emotional body (Moons), but it represents the core frequency that actually ends up dissolving the polarization barrier between the two as seen by the composite Saturn in Aquarius landing on top of their shared Sun - Mars degree. It represents those two identical somewhat challenged energies merging into one very strong one. A unity of consciousness, which also dissolves all the other polarization aspects between Venus - Venus (unity in feelings and love), Jupiter - Juno (unity in beliefs) and Neptune - Uranus (spiritual unity).

Consolidated Answer & Insights:

The roles that the twins take on, other than those of their bodies, are purely based on astral energy dynamics. The Divine Feminine male and the Divine Masculine female both have double roles. The Divine Feminine male is an actively passive energy that is receptively and reactively manifesting through life, but is the bodily/physically active aspect of the connection. Sidereal astrology especially highlights this through Yin's Leo Rising ruling the Ascendant / 1st house, but the ruling planet Sun being in feminine Capricorn energy. This translates into him actually having a very masculine body, in a blend with his tropically more androgynous less feminine body traits, but guided and ruled by the less feminine energy of earthy Capricorn (or the more feminine Mercury in Pisces, tropically speaking). The sidereal male planetary bodies dominate the lower chakras, but Yin execute these in an actively passive way. It is especially important for the Divine Feminine male to be disciplined around his sex drive, and the release of such, in order to create a more balanced energy which is then fed to the Divine Masculine female through the sidereal mind ruler, Mars. Letting the kundalini (feminine) Rahu energy build up as he ascends and cleanses his lower chakras and gradually empowers his upper chakras. The Divine Masculine female is also an actively (masculine) passive (Moon) energy that manifests energetically through action, practicality, determination, consistency, will power and grounded emotional solidity. As a female, her main planetary bodies rule the upper chakras, but in a more assertive, physical and grounded way. She is fiery in expressing her throat chakra, and more logical and solid in terms of intuition and thoughts as well as spirituality. She embodies more independent principles based on traditionally masculine concepts like freedom of speech, rebelling against oppression, pursuing a greater degree of equality, maybe even being religiously motivated and pursuing ethically enhancing self-development agendas rather than pursuing occultist divine concepts, which is more a Divine Feminine area.

"Yin" (the commonly regarded "Divine Feminine male") naturally embody the greater amount of feminine energies, in the form of the most auspicious and expansive water energies, as his consciousness is the Divine Feminine aspect of the shared Monadic over-soul. He is here to deal and operate with Yin energies and principles in all forms, but from a male biological standpoint that physically emphasizes the masculine-bodied planetary roles in the lower chakras. One could think of water as a purifying liquid which is then poured towards the lower masculine chakras (represented by his male body) to help enlighten the collective consciousness from the bottom and up as he ascends towards his thriving state in the feminine chakras. Yin and Yang's souls are clearly ready to experience themselves in another body, but need to purify karmic distortion of the lower chakras which has solidified as fear-based energy that is in the way of them gaining liberation from the karmic reincarnation cycles (Samadhi). While healing, learning and teaching others how to do this, his collective mission is to help mankind heighten their collective vibration through a similar spiritual purification that goes beyond the ego and embraces unity consciousness via the soul. Astrology paints a clear picture that the Ascendant, and even more so its ruler, represent the lens of consciousness and of the soul. This aspect also co-relates to physical appearance and perceived personality and is a key factor in establishing clarity about one's soul vibration and polarity.

Other summarized conclusions

  • The astral body as a whole can be either neutrally charged, more Yang (which typically means the consciousness is ruled by masculine energies), or more Yin (which typically means the consciousness is ruled by feminine energies), regardless of gender

  • The best way of identifying Twin Flame connections through astrology is to find polarized planetary energies that are within a maximum of 1 degree of each other and is allocated feminine vs masculine, respectively (ie. Monadically: Aquarius Uranus vs Capricorn Neptune on the same degree - or Split: Mars in Aries vs Venus in Libra within 1 degree difference). Please read the section "Astrological Elements of Divine Counterparts" for more information. The main carrier soul frequency from the DF to the DM will need to be identical (completely the same degree and sign, ie. DF's tropical Aquarius Sun at 16.25 -> DM's Aquarius Mars at 16.25 (Mars being chart-ruler, a final dispositor for DM)

  • The Divine Masculine female is a Moon-bodied, usually more Yang type of consciousness, who takes on the physical, grounded, matrix role in the connection and triggers the Divine Feminine male (Sun-bodied, usually more Yin) counterpart to start ascending in his soul journey on behalf of them both. The Yin counterpart works on certain energy areas that helps to heal their shared emotional body, and overall vibration. The DM female is helping to ground the DF male through the body of the upper (love, communication, intuition, spirituality) - in the spirit of the lower chakras (grounded emotions, healthy sexuality, courage, strength, willpower).

  • Moon, Venus (and Earth) are clearly female-bodied. The Moon represents the female version of the human body regardless of masculine or feminine input or rulership. One could use the term "Divine Female", but then insert "Masculine" or "Feminine" in between those two words based on their role in the Monadic Twin Flame connection

  • Sun and Mars are clearly male-bodied and dominate the Divine Masculine area of the lower chakras. Jupiter is leaning towards masculine too, but isn't as clear cut masculine as the other mentioned planets as it is extremely subconsciously / emotionally charged (rule the sacral chakra as well, and creation) and Cancer / Moon energy exalts it. The higher octave of masculine Jupiter is Uranus, and the higher octave of feminine Jupiter (and Venus) is Neptune. Therefore, Jupiter is highly fluid when it comes to gender as compared to energetic roles, just like the physical planet itself is fluid in its gas composition

  • Saturn is a highly neutralistic type of planetary body. It represents core traits and values that are required for the maturity and ascension of consciousness towards the crown. It dominates the masculine energy sectors through Aquarius and Libra, but is much weaker in Fire and Water energies. I interpret the astrological Moon axis of Cancer and Capricorn to be more leaning towards pure feminine vs a more androgynous feminine, yet masculine flavoured expression. Just like the Sun axis of Leo and Aquarius is representing pure masculine vs a more androgynous masculine, yet feminine flavoured expression. Many Monadic Twin Flames are represented by the more androgynous or neutral planets such as Mercury (Air/Earth) primarily, as well as Saturn (Air/Earth) and Venus (Air/Earth).

  • Neptune represents the feminine transcendent spiritual principle as compared to the more logical quantum-science based approach coming from Uranus' expression. Neptune and Uranus are the "as above" equivalent to "so below" human divine counterparts as seen in this Monadic Twin Flame study. The grounding lower consciousness planet, which is also polarized and ruling the counterparts' shared Moons, is Venus - which is exalted through Neptune's conjunction and therefore represent the actual "divine feminine" aspect of either twin. Neptune strongly dominates Yin's energies, and Uranus dominates Yang's chart as the natural domicile higher octave ruler of her multitude of stacked planets in tropical Aquarius. These two spiritual planets that each hold the same degree and sign in the combined composite horoscope, connect even deeper through the polarization of Aquarius' and Capricorn's mother-ruler Saturn - with Yin holding the tropically feminine (-) Neptune in Capricorn and Yang the masculine (+) Uranus in Aquarius in each of their individual horoscopes.

  • Mercury is androgynous. The tropical Monadic polarization of the Mercury placements are seen as a whole sign relationship between a shared ruler (in this case Jupiter) regardless of orb. The higher mind, represented by Jupiter, is in this connection also polarized through the upper octave rulers Neptune and Uranus. Yang's Jupiter is in tropical Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) as compared to Yin's Jupiter in Pisces (ruled by Neptune).

  • Pluto aligns with the crown chakra as the Kabbalah's upper-most sefirot (Kether) on the non-polarized middle and neutral Pillar of Balance / Consciousness. One could view Pluto as a "shadow-Sun" or like the buried hidden core of planet Earth (the Dark Moon) and representing an ascended state of consciousness, or the initial spark of consciousness as compared to the archetypes of Sun (male) and Moon (female). Pluto is also regarded as the higher octave of masculine Mars (in the Kabbalah: I AM) and (perhaps) also the higher octave of the feminine Moon consciousness. This makes sense as both twin flames are ultimately heading for the crown chakra in their ascension, but the Divine Masculine will gravitate towards dominating the lower chakras (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus), while the Divine Feminine will gravitate towards dominating the upper chakras (Throat, Third-Eye and Crown). They balance out in the middle, the Heart Chakra, which is represented by their shared Venus-ruled exalted Moons in Taurus. The perfect balance of the input to this Moon, the composite Venus degree, will trigger the composite Neptune, as a state of exalted Venus ~ unconditional and higher love.

This article is written by Zensoe ~ Philip Laessoe

The experience of being a Monadic Twin Flame, from the Yin/DF perspective

Many people online talk about this. Many people have a version of this. There is much good information, and much bad. Twin Flames are extremely REAL. They are essential highly evolved souls that are ready to experience themselves in another body. They often deal with many intense karmic experiences, but they are not anything external other than the body they possess. They are basically you, your own vibration in another body potentially masked by karmic distortion, and you will know you, especially in moments of energetic clarity that you are talking to your own soul based on where you are at in your vibrational journey at the time. We all can hold up a mask, but only for so long until that mask naturally comes off, especially after encountering a Monadic Twin Flame. Each TF experience is somewhat similar, yet every journey is unique. I personally wish people would utilize astrology more to energetically help navigate their journeys, and to more quickly write off any falsely labelled divine counterparts. You can clearly see the major milestones for Twin Flames when planetary transits, and major energetic time period shifts happen etc. That being said, astrology is a language, and the main soul work is done within you, and quite naturally over time, as there is hardly any way to resist this journey without experiencing the universe fighting you over and over. However, we can still all help and guide each other, knowing that your own inner guide, your soul, is always the most right one for you.

In a Monadic Twin Flame dynamic, one aspect pushes (Yin/DF) then one pulls (Yang/DM). When the push stops, the pull doesn't exist, and so inner union can happen as a result, and over time the external union manifests as a result of the inner work. As a male DF, I have invested a ton of time into making life and career changes that better facilitated stabilizing the push/pull dynamics inside of myself, and roughly 1.5 years after the mind clarifying soul recognition I had in mid 2022, I gradually became more focused and more aware on how to balance the connection. At times the energies would be so extreme that I was filled with inner anxiety and desperation especially while being around my twin flame, simply because I thought I was going crazy and could not properly transmute the energy when working together other than rejecting and detaching from the connection, which then lead to my counterpart running accordingly. The circumstances and toxicity of the work environment had a lot to do with my decreased energetic stability, and made the progress in the connection suffer as a result. At one point, I spontaneously verbally emphasized the intention of wanting to meet up "outside", simply because I couldn't energetically "breathe properly" and felt it was impossible to pursue the connection properly "inside". However, I quickly realized, especially after learning from my own psychically charged Mercury uttered words, the connection was far from ready for this "outside" until the "inside" had become more balanced, which was a lesson towards pursuing inner union first, and so the universe gave us "separation" through additional short Covid cycles and water damages preventing us to work together etc. Not until I stopped working on a regular with my counterpart was I able to start working towards inner union, and naturally this sensitive process needed no ego-based communication, social media etc. unless absolutely necessary. I received some weird spontaneous in-person death threats as well in 2024, and certain people were heavily stalking me, which also led me to introduce more privacy on my social media accounts. Luckily, this stage is soon over for me. Inner union is amazing to experience, but I find it to be more of a shared emotional mission, maybe since I'm a male/Sun DF and she is a female/Moon DM, which peaks when both twins are surrendering, embracing the connection and not resisting or giving into other karmically charged situations. I have realized certain bodily things I need to do, or not do, as a man, in order to quickly raise the vibration towards union energy. Astrology is again a helpful tool to identify and apply these discoveries. Union energies are not always possible to uphold for longer periods of time, practically speaking as we're living physically in the dense fear-based third dimension, but regardless, my aim is always to maintain and pursue the highest solidity of vibration possible and help other people gain that state as well.