Astrological Elements of Divine Counterparts
Last updated: Nov 11th 2024
by Zensoe ~ Philip Laessoe
10/31/20244 min read

Divine Masculine: Fire ~ Yang
Fire is the core masculine element, and should be greatly considered to help identify more exclusively Divine Masculine energy placements and traits. It is the most masculine and therefore active energy which is also spiritual, emotional and intuitive yet in a different way than Water energy. In energy languages, the masculine is associated with a positive plus (+) charge.
Fire is similar to Water energy in that is spiritual, emotional and intuitive. It represents the divine spark of purpose and creation.
Air is the opposite energy of Fire, so it is less masculine and emotional, yet more logical and rational compared to Fire ~ mental and intellectual are great key words. Air is leaning towards an androgynous masculine-flavoured expression as embodied by planets like Mercury, Saturn and Venus. Mercury and Venus are placed lower on the scale of divine consciousness, and interacts positively with the Moon. I recommend not associating Air energies exclusively with the Divine Masculine, as Air is less masculine (or more feminine) compared to Fire. Air is often highly prevalent in the tropical horoscopes of Monadic Twin Flames, especially if they are more androgynous in their physical and energetic embodiment like a Divine Feminine male and Divine Masculine female.
Twin Flames: the more masculine consciousness is symbolized by Yang (white with black dot)
Astrologically masculine energies are positive Fire and Air. The most masculine zodiac sign is cardinal Aries which is ruled by male-bodied Mars and exalts the Sun, followed by the fixed Sun-ruled sign of Leo. Planets like Saturn, Mercury and Venus have more difficulty operating in masculine Fire, but thrives in the energetic nature between lesser masculine Air and lesser feminine Earth.
Divine Feminine: Water ~ Yin
Water is the core feminine element, and should be greatly considered to help identify more exclusively Divine Feminine energy placements and traits. It is the most feminine and therefore actively passive energy which is deeply spiritual, emotional and often psychically intuitive energy. In energy languages, the feminine is associated with a negative minus (-) charge.
Water is similar to Air energy in terms of "flow". It's very mutable and interchangeable in nature. Water is emotionally spongy - Air is mentally spongy.
Earth is the opposite energy of Water, so it is less feminine and emotional, yet more logical and rational compared to Water ~ grounded and practical are great key words. Earth is leaning towards an androgynous feminine-flavoured expression as embodied by planets like Mercury, Saturn and Venus. Mercury and Venus are placed lower on the scale of divine consciousness, and interacts positively with the Moon. I recommend not associating Earth energies exclusively with the Divine Feminine, as Earth is less feminine (or more masculine) compared to Water. Earth is often highly prevalent in the horoscopes of Monadic Twin Flames, especially if they are more androgynous in their physical and energetic embodiment like a Divine Feminine male and Divine Masculine female.
Twin Flames: the more feminine consciousness is symbolized by Yin (black with white dot)
Astrologically feminine energies are negative Water and Earth. The most feminine zodiac sign is mutable Pisces (represented by the Moon card in Tarot) followed by Cancer (ruled by the Moon). Both signs rule or exalt Jupiter, a masculine-bodied, but fluidly energetically capable planet. Pisces' higher ruler is psychologically feminine Neptune, and Pisces exalts the female-bodied Venus. Planets like Saturn and Mercury have more difficulty operating in feminine Water, but thrives in the energetic nature between lesser masculine Air and lesser feminine Earth.
Specifically for Monadic Twin Flames:
Monadic Twin Flames are both strong in their DM and DF placements. One aspect usually dominates slightly which is opposite in the counterpart. 55% Yin in one person's energy would equal to 45% Yin in the other twin, so they combined as one create a 100% Divine Feminine and 100% Divine Masculine expression.
Divine Masculine is represented mainly by the spiritual element Fire ~ Yang and polarized with the spiritually opposite feminine element of Water, as well as the logical and rational Air element as compared to the less feminine Earth. The Air and Earth elements are highly androgynous in their vibration and therefore is very common to see in Monadic Twin Flame horoscopes as they have a less extreme and more balanced polarization with each other. Air is generally more flowey and mutable, like Water, and therefore has certain traits that could be perceived as somewhat feminine. The inner rocky planets like Venus and Mercury (as well as Saturn) are ruled by Air and Earth. Three planets that are very commonly polarized (sometimes all of them) in a Monadic Twin Flame horoscope.
Divine Feminine is represented mainly by the spiritual element Water ~ Yin and polarized with the spiritually opposite masculine element of Fire, as well as the practical and rational Earth element as compared to the less masculine Air. The Earth and Air elements are highly androgynous in their vibration and therefore is very common to see in Monadic Twin Flame horoscopes. They naturally have a more grounded and balanced polarization with each other. Earth is more fixed in its nature, and therefore has certain traits that could be perceived as somewhat masculine. The inner rocky planets like Venus and Mercury are ruled by Earth and Air. Also, Moon is exalted in Taurus (an Earth sign).
Jupiter is ruled by Fire (more masculine Sagittarius) and polarized with Water (more feminine Pisces)
Saturn is ruled by Air (less masculine Aquarius) and polarized with Earth (less feminine Capricorn)
Androgynous Mercury is ruled by Air (less masculine Gemini) and Earth (less feminine Virgo) and therefore is polarized with its own elements, Earth and Air.
For Split Soul Twin Flames & Karmic Soul Mates:
Divine Masculine: Fire is polarized with Air
Air is more feminine than Fire, even though Fire is more emotionally and spiritually charged than Air.
Divine Feminine: Water is polarized with Earth
Earth is more masculine than Water, and Water is more emotionally and spiritually charged than Earth.
Leo is ruled by Sun (masculine Fire) and polarized with Aquarius, which is ruled by Saturn & Uranus (less masculine Air)
Cancer is ruled by Moon (feminine Water) and polarized with Saturn-ruled Capricorn (less feminine Earth)
Libra, actually masculine cardinal Air energy, is ruled by Venus - a female energy body. Libra, as the most natural expression of Venus, is psychologically masculine and polarized with Aries' Fire (the most masculine, especially due to its male body, but ironically more psychologically feminine than Libra). Fire is emotional and spiritual. Air is logical and scientific.
The psychological aspect and roles of planetary energies is described further in the section "KABBALAH - the psychological Tree of Life - related to Monadic Twin Flames" in our "Monadic Twin Flame Seen Through Astrology" article. The psychological aspect is highly important (and is often not included in traditional astrology) to help distinguish archetypal character traits, and decipher astrological placements for all twin flames, especially those that are born as the opposite gender compared to their soul consciousness polarity.